Trail Life USA Troop #0914
“… that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God…”
Holy Cross Orthodox Church is committed to the spiritual, social, and physical nurture of our boys! To that end we invite your sons to enjoy the opportunities available through our Trail Life USA Troop #0914
We meet once a month in the St. Raphael House (next door to our church building, 105 North Camp Meade Rd., Linthicum Heights MD 21090). We also go on a variety of adventures once a month, including playing kick ball, visiting Museums, hiking in the wilderness, and lots more! All young men are welcome to attend the meetings and our adventures. Please contact Doug Ashworth, Troop Master and/or Warren Hedges if you’d like to check out the program. Go to Contact Us, click on Email and choose Trail Life Troop Master in menu.
Recent outings and activities
Troop Camping Trip at Camp Tuckahoe,
Upcoming Events
Troop Meetings are on the First Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted:
Sunday, November 3, 5:00–6:30pm — Troop Meeting
Saturday, November 16, 11:30am–3:00pm — Turkey Cookout
Sunday, December 1, 5:00–6:30pm — Troop Meeting
Friday–Sunday, December 6–8 — Camp Out
Sunday, January 5 — No Troop Meeting (due to Vespers for Theophany)
Sunday, February 2, 5:00–6:30pm — Troop Meeting
Sunday, March 2, 5:00–6:30pm — Troop Meeting
Sunday, April 6, 5:00–6:30pm — Troop meeting
Sunday, May 4, 5:00–6:30pm — Troop Meeting
Sunday, June 1, 5:00–6:30pm — Troop Meeting
Trail Life is a Christian organization to promote the maturing of boys into men by providing unique educational and leadership opportunities. The ages of the boys range from Kindergarten to eighteen years of age. There are a number of different rank levels that reflect the age and skill level of the young man for which they earn badges.
Boys on the Woodlands Trail (age 5-10) gain knowledge about outdoor skills, citizenship, character, friendship, and faith through fun activities, awards, and skill instruction.
As Navigators, boys age 11-13 gain understanding of their values and beliefs under the guidance of godly male role models through being responsible in outdoor adventures and in their home and school life. They explore areas of interest and earn Trail Badges for advancement.
As Adventurers, young men ages 14-18 mature in wisdom and faith through more difficult challenges and leadership activities with Christian men walking alongside. They plan and lead outdoor events and large projects while exercising leadership positions in the Troop, even mentoring some of the younger Trailmen.
More About Trail Life USA
Trail Life USA partners with churches and parents across America as the premier national character development organization for young men which produces generations of godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. In over 850 churches in all 50 states, fathers and sons are connecting, relationships are deepening, and legacies are beginning as a new generation of godly leaders rises up.
For more information on national Trail Life USA go to