Coffee Hour 

As is true in many Orthodox churches, meals are an important part of our Holy Cross family life. Everyone in the parish contributes to this ministry at some point in the year, whether it is by bringing a dish to share at the Parish picnic or the Annual meeting or by being a regular contributor to the meals each Sunday.

Each Sunday we have several families who provide meals so that the entire parish may have lunch and fellowship together after the Divine Liturgy. Some bring an entree and side dish each to feed about 50 people, some bring enough dessert for the entire parish, and others provide salad or juice. Quantities of food and recipe suggestions with pricing comparisons can be found in the recipe section of this page. Currently this ministry rotates so that each person on this list contributes once every 7 weeks.

We are always looking for more volunteers to provide either the entrees, desserts or salads!

On special Feast days, it is our practice to have a simple meal of soup, bread and salad after the Liturgy. Sometimes dessert is provided as well. So we also have a rotation of people who feel they cannot contribute to the Sunday meals but can occasionally offer these meals.

Separate from these lists, is the rotation of people who bake the Prosphora (altar bread) for each Liturgy and the Artoklasia bread when a Litia & Artoklasia is offered at Vespers. The recipes for these breads, as used at Holy Cross, can be found in the Holy Cross Recipe Book.

If you're interested in participating in this ministry, please contact us.