Time, Talent & Treasure 2019
Stewardship Commitment Sunday will be October 27, 2019. The pledges and tithes made will be for the 2020 calendar year. Please have your Time, Talent & Treasure forms filled out and ready to bring forward during the Liturgy that morning. Please sign both the left and right portions of the form, as the form is split and the two sections go to different ministry participants for processing.
Letter from Fr. Joshua
October 2019
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“Let us carry our firstfruits to the one who died and rose again for us. Do you think perhaps that I am talking of gold, silver, or precious stones? Insubstantial earthly goods, transitory, tied to earth, of which the greater part always belongs to the wicked, the slaves of materialism and of the prince of this world? No, let us offer ourselves, the possession most precious to God and closest to him. Let us give back to the Image that which resembles it most, recognizing our greatness, honoring our Archetype, knowing the power of the mystery and for whom Christ died.”
— St Gregory the Theologian
We are made in the image of God, and, as such, we are God’s most precious possession. He has breathed life into us and has established us within his kingdom. He has sent us into the world as he sent his Son, our Archetype, into the world. And he has empowered us with his Spirit to do his work in the world: reaching out to the poor and the stranger, forming the people of God into a spiritual temple, offering up a sacrifice of praise.
As we prepare for this coming year, I urge you to ask yourself:
“How can I best offer back to God the image that I bear?
What possessions—what time, what talent, what treasure—can I offer back to God?
What work is his Spirit yearning to do through me?”
As you examine your heart, I pray that the peace of Christ will reign there and that we, as the people of God, will abide
In the joy of the Lord,
Fr. Joshua Burnett
Ministry Role Descriptions
Building & Grounds
Building & Repair Skills: Provide handyman skills, make repairs around the building when needed
Gardening: Help with weeding, planting, watering, sweeping
Organize Kitchen & Parish Hall: Keep the kitchen, refrigerator, and parish hall organized and neat
Church School
Sunday School Assistant: Assist teachers in attending to needs of children and organizing classroom and materials
Sunday School Teacher: Teach on a rotation (or substitute as needed) using prepared curriculum
Vacation Church School: Teach or assist with one-week VCS program in late summer
Organize Books: Keep the library organized and manage check-out/check-in of books
College Ministries: Assist with special events for UMBC OCF
Guild of Blessed Olga: Knit, crochet, or sew items for the needy, in support of church ministries both locally and in Romania
Homeless Ministries: Assist with local homeless shelter during one week in December, or help provide a meal at the Community Recovery Center quarterly
Tract Rack: Keep pamphlets stocked and organized in the track rack
Parish Life
Lunch Clean-Up: On a rotation, help clean up the parish hall and wash dishes after Sunday lunch
Refreshments on Sunday: On a rotation, provide entree, dessert, or salad for 50 people for Sunday lunch/coffee hour
Special Event Volunteer: Assist with annual special events such as the Pascha feast, parish picnic, patronal feast, or Linthicum Fair
Pastoral Care
Correspondence: Send letters or e-mail, conveying friendly greetings and parish contact information, to visitors who have signed the guest book
Visitation: Visit elderly or sick parishioners
Altar Care: Assist in cleaning the brass, dusting
Altar Server: Boys 9 and older who have made first confession assist clergy at the altar during Divine Liturgy
Bake Altar Bread: Bake the prosphora (holy bread) for Divine Liturgy
Chanting: Chant at Vespers or Matins and participate in rehearsals
Choir: Sing at Liturgy and participate in rehearsals
Flower Arranging: Obtain and arrange flowers for feast days and other occasions
Lector: Read the Epistle during Divine Liturgy
Youth Ministries
Advisor/Meeting Facilitator: Facilitate youth meetings and activities
Event Chaperone: Chaperone at occasional youth retreats or special outings
Babysitter for Events: Babysit children during special events
Bookkeeper: Record financial giving, transactions
Phone Reminders: Make phone calls to remind parishioners of upcoming ministry assignments